Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 13

Week 1:  What is Human Computer Interaction Design? 

Key Terms/Concepts/People, Firms

User Interface (UI), User Experience (UXD), Project Life Cycle, Iteration, Reflective, “Computer Administrative Debris,” Principles of Good Design, Edward Tufte, Dieter Rams, Sir Jony Ive

Key: Bold terms are in the book's glossary, Plain text concepts are in the assigned reading from the book or concepts introduced in class, People, Firms will be discussed in class lectures

What is Interaction Design?

Definition of IxD:

Interaction Design (IxD) defines the structure and behavior of interactive systems. Interaction Designers strive to create meaningful relationships between people and the products and services they use, from computers to mobile devices to appliances and beyond. http://www.ixda.org/about/ixda-mission

From Designing the Obvious by Robert Hoekman, Jr.
From Designing the Obvious by Robert Hoekman, Jr.
Self-service check out at Kroger -- a machine, not human-centered, design.

Course overview:
  • In this course we’re going to do things
  • We’re going to explore a series of frameworks/perspectives/lenses for understanding design in use (there is no "unified theory")
  • Practically, this blog is the information hub for the course
  • Technology is the how, HCI/d is the why

Review Syllabus, Course Topics, and Support Materials 
    The Academic Code

    In-class exercise:

    With the person next to you, take 10 minutes to “walk through” a typical task you engage in (e.g. checking your messages, playing music, checking the weather forecast) – what are each of the stages of the process? Does the design of the hard and software support what you’re trying to do or obstruct it?

    When you're finished each person should make a simple drawing of your device and show it to your neighbor; ask them what your drawing represents.
    Question 1: What did you learn from walking through the use of your device with your neighbor?
    Question 2: What did your neighbor say your drawing looked like?
    Edward Tufte

    On the iPhone interface (January 2008)

    Note: there will be a question on "Computer Administrative Debris" on in your first set of Reading Response Questions so listen "critically' to the video clip.


    Homework for Thursday, 15 January due at 12:01 am through Oncourse Assignments:

    Write an initial “Pre-Reflection” paper addressing:
    1. Your current understanding of HCI/d and its importance
    2. Your expectations for this course
    3. How you hope to benefit from the course

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