Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Follow Ups from Tuesday, 20 January class

Just a few summary points:

1. Please let me know early if there's an issue, e.g. with late delivery of your books. The earlier I know the more likely I can do something to help.

2. Please plan to arrive in class early. Now that we're beginning our project work you can use that time to ask for feedback from me and/or the mentors, and to discuss your work with your classmates. Feedback will be key to a successful project.

In terms of this first mini-project, and the subsequent ones:

1. Always read the brief carefully and critically. It's essential that you understand fully what the aims of the project are, the process to follow, and the expected outcomes.

2. Though you chose three precedent logotype in class today please continue your search -- find the best three to serve as inspiration for your own logotypes. Remember, images are not allowed in your logo for this assignment.

3. Use the tools on your word processing or page layout program (Word or InDesign most likely, respectively) and do a version of your name, as you wish it to appear, that echos the design language of your precedent -- font, style, size, spacing, etc.

4. Bring at least one iteration of your own logo to class Thursday -- preferably printed out, but at least on a digital device with a screen larger than a smart phones. We will do an in-class exercise in which you explain to your neighbor in class the precedent you chose, why you chose it, what its features are, and how you applied them in your own logotype design.

One final thing...

If you are doing a "design journal" for extra credit you must use a design journal of the type described in the syllabus. If you are using a regular spiral bound notebook with thin, lined paper that will not work. If you have a question about whether what you have works or not please ask me or one of the mentors. It's not too late to change if you need to.

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