Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, 24 February

Mapping study 2/2

Usability Testing, Responsive Design, A-B Testing, Tools for UXD, Steve Krug

Review Reading Response Questions:
  1. What are the four aspects of expectation that the authors identify?
  2. Explain the importance of each type of expectation in the UXD context and cite an example from your own experience, explaining it in terms of the rationale presented in the book.
  3. The authors state, “It is important that experiences should promote a feeling of security and trust…” Please cite an example from the IT context of an experience that did promote trust in you and of one that did not. Explain why for each.

Review of Study Questions for Mid-term exam
The mid-term exam is at 9:30 am on Thursday, 12 March
You may make arrangements to take a five question essay test in advance if you are not going to be here on the day of the exam
Attendance Policy Reminder

Are You Happy with Your Current Teams?
  • If so email your mentor, cc-ing the team members you want to continue to work with
  • If not request of your mentor who else you might like to work with, cc-ing them
  • Or ask to be assigned to a new team
Discuss Project 2 Progress
Have you completed your analyses?
What have you learned?
Review Brief
Next Steps:
  1. Document the results of your studies
  2. Draw conclusions based on your results, answering the questions posed in the brief
  3. Generate design recommendations based on what you learned -- in words and images
  4. Do page layout designs to suit this content  

  • You may find it useful to discuss the affordances, constraints, metaphors, and, in particular, the forms of feedback given as you go through your mapping time sequence. 
Presentation of Interim Work:
  • Steven Fortuna, Jeremy Crawford and Adrianne Dowd 
Show Megan's Affordance and Constraint Video

Meet with your Teams
  • Thursday your mentor will come around and speak to each team show him or her your interim work and you will be given a participation grade for the day based on that.
Homework for Thursday, 26 February:
  • Make a plan for completing the project with your team, identify the remaining actions you need to complete
  • Finalize your presentation of your analysis, generate design recommendations, mock up possible page layouts

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