Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Thursday, 2 April

User-Centered Design 1/4

User-Research, Stanford dSchool, dMindsets, the Five Modes of a User-Centered Design Process, IDEO, David Kelley, Bill Moggeridge

Eight Worst Technology Predictions of All Time

Summer HCI/d Class Opportunity
If you might be interested in a 400-level class this summer that takes these ideas further, and that meets the HCC (Human-Centered Computing) requirement please email me -- mitchelc@indiana.edu
Project 3.3 Resubmission Opportunity
Since some of you didn't get feedback on Project 3.2 before submitting 3.3, I'm giving anyone who wants it the opportunity to edit and resubmit project 3.3.
If you wish to do this please do not take time away from Project 4. Instead incorporate the changes after completing Project 4.
The deadline for the resubmission is: Tuesday, 5 May at 12:01 am
If you plan to resubmit, please email your mentor to let them know to look for your project.
More on IDEO

IDEO.org Amplify Project

Bill Moggeridge, inventor of Interaction Design


Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum (a part of the Smithsonian Institution)

Review Project 4 progress
What organizations are you considering working for?
Have you contacted them?
What needs for design have you identified?
Non-Profit Organizations in the Community

Design Thinking Process Guide
Bootcamp Bootleg

Three ways to get a bad grade on Project 4.1:
  1. Not choosing a worthwhile, non-profit cause
  2. Not having made contact with the client or client group in advance of submitting your interim work
  3. Not having done 1 and/or 2 and jumping to the conclusion that the organization needs a technological solution, e.g. webpage or app
Review final exam study questions

Presentation by Mentor Shankar Balasubramanian

Meet with your team and discuss your work with your mentor for a Participation and Professionalism grade

Homework for Tuesday, 7 April at 12:01 am through Assignments on Oncourse:

Complete Project 4.1

Complete Reading Response 11: Read UXD pp. 144 – 155 and answer:
  1.  What is empathy? Why is it important? How is it cultivated in the UXD context?
  2. What is project management? Why is it important? What tools are available to help with project management? Do you use any of them in your projects?
  3. What approaches are available to visualize interface designs? Review a range of options and cite examples of any of the approaches that you, yourself, have used.
  4. What tools are available to help elicit feedback from users? Be specific about the approaches and their characteristics.
  5. What is a “prototype”? What are the two types of prototype? What are the characteristics and benefits of each?

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