Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thursday, 5 March

Usability Testing 1/3

Task Modeling, Expectations, Trust

Question: Did the Zipcar Usability Test show:
  1. Good task modeling?
  2. Did the site meet the user's expectations?
  3. Did you user trust the site?
From the point of view of designerly principles what's wrong with this picture?

Discuss mid-term Reflections addressing:
  1. How has your understanding of HCI/d changed so far this semester?
  2. Are your finding the class more or less useful than you expected? 
  3. What has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned so far?
  • Xerox Star Graphical User Interface: 1981
  • Mac OS: 1984
  • Windows: 1985
  • iPhone launch: June 29, 2007
  • Android 1.0 launch: September 2008
Recommended for Introverts:

Questions on the Midterm Exam Questions?
  • Exam next Thursday, 12 March
  • Essay exams may be taken before: please email your current mentor to arrange

Review Project 3 Brief

What sites/apps are you considering?

Volunteers to Present 3.1 on Tuesday (for extra credit)?

Review Steve Krug Resources

User Recording Software:
Video Capture of Screen
Meet with Your Project 3 Team
  • Plan usability testing project approach
Homework Tuesday, 10 March to be submitted through Oncourse Assignments by 12:01 am:

Complete Project 3.1: Pilot usability test of website

Complete Reading Response 8: Read UXD pp. 80 – 87:
  1. How, according to the authors, does one “design” a fun experience? Cite an example from your own experience.
  2. What is usability a “measure of,” according to the authors?
  3. What is the value of simplicity in UXD? Cite an example from your own experience where it is present and where it is not; what are the consequences of each?
  4. What, according to the authors, is the importance of feedback in a design and what happens if appropriate feedback is not present?

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