Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thursday, 23 April

User-Centered Design 4/4

Rapid Prototyping, Semantic Design

"Scanning" alternative suggestion from Jeffrey:

Reiterate Assignment

Project 4.4 due date extension: Thursday, 30 April at 12:01 am

Review Exam Questions

View Tim Brown video "From Design to Design Thinking"
In-class writing assignment: Summarize key concepts in the film and draw a conclusion relating the topics Brown discussed to the work we've been doing in this class.
Include your name and your current Mentor's name at the top of the page., and turn them in to your Mentor when you leave.

Homework for Tuesday, 28 April at 12:01 am through Assignments on Oncourse

Continue work on Project 4.4, team member evaluations, and individual reflection paper

Complete Reading Response 14. Read UXD pp. 120 - 131
  1. What is the difference between a linear and an iterative design process? Which is better? Why?
  2. What are the six principles of user-centered design as set out by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)? To what extent have you followed these in your work on Project 4? 

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