Friday, April 24, 2015

Tuesday, 28 April

The Really Big Picture

Design Thinking, Sustainability, Tim Brown

Project 4.4 due date extension: Thursday, 30 April at 12:01 am 

Project 3.3 Resubmission Opportunity
Since some of you didn't get feedback on Project 3.2 before submitting 3.3, I'm giving anyone who wants it the opportunity to edit and resubmit project 3.3.
If you wish to do this please do not take time away from Project 4. Instead incorporate the changes after completing Project 4.
The deadline for the resubmission is: Tuesday, 5 May at 12:01 am
If you plan to resubmit, please email your mentor to let them know to look for your project.
Grading Options
For Projects 3 and 4 you can choose to count all the interim grades (3.1, 3.2 and 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) or you can choose to have your final grade 3.3 or 4.4 count for the full percentage of the project, e.g. Project 3: 12.5% and Project 4: 16%. If you wish to count only  the grade for either project please email your mentor and Tom by noon on Friday, 1 May.
Extra Credit Opportunities:

  • Design Journal -- worth up to 5 points on one's final grade, depending upon completeness -- show your mentor your journal at the end of class on Tuesday, 28 April or Thursday, 30 April -- or make an office hours appointment with them
  • Sketchnoting -- scan or use app (don't photograph) good examples and email them to your mentor
Review Reading Response 14 Questions:
What is the difference between a linear and an iterative design process? Which is better? Why?

What are the six principles of user-centered design as set out by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)? To what extent have you followed these in your work on Project 4? 
  1. The design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments
  2. Users are involved throughout the design and development
  3. The design is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation
  4. The process is iterative
  5. The design addresses the whole user experience
  6. The design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives.

Review Final Exam Study Questions

There will be 25 multiple choice questions that will count 2.5 points each, divided about equally between material from the first and second half of the semester.

There will be 6 short answer questions, all drawn from the second half of the semester, that will count 6 points each.

Everyone will get 1.5 points just for showing up and taking the exam.

Key Concepts in Sustainability

Cradle to Cradle

William McDonough and Michael Braungart

Life Cycle Design

Design for the Environment (DfE)

Green Drinks Bloomington

Informatics Professor Eli Blevis: A leading researcher in sustainable interaction design

More at:

Things to consider:
  • The amount of energy and resources that go into making digital devices
  • The amount of energy used by servers
  • What happens to our digital devices once they become obsolete (in a few years time)
Irony: 22% of plug in electric and hybrid owners are trading in and getting SUVs

View Objectified on Sustainability and Design Thinking

Design Journal check off with Mentors

Homework for Thursday, 30 April at 12:01 am through Assignments on Oncourse:

Complete Project 4.4, team member evaluations, and individual reflection paper

Read UXD pp. 170 - 171, "Conclusion"

Write Final Reflection Paper addressing:
  1. How your understanding of HCI/d has changed through the semester
  2. How what you've learned relates to what your own study and career goals are
  3. What are the most useful things you've learned during the semester?

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