Design Thinking, Sustainability, Tim Brown
3.3 Resubmissions -- due Tuesday, 5 May at 12:01 am, include project, team member evaluations, and personal reflection
Grading Options
For Projects 3 and 4 you can choose to count all the interim grades (3.1, 3.2 and 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) or you can choose to have your final grade 3.3 or 4.4 count for the full percentage of the project, e.g. Project 3: 12.5% and Project 4: 16%. If you wish to count only the grade for either project please email your mentor and Tom by noon on Friday, 1 May.
Note: each person who wants to choose to count only their final grade should email Tom and their mentor or all team members should be copied on your email. |
Questions on the Final Exam Questions?
Look at Good Student Projects
Review Course Content
Logotype Design exercise -- to help develop skills in designerly presentation
Emotional Design analysis -- to understand what design means to people
Affordance + Constraint analysis -- to understand how we are guided in our interactions with objects and interfaces
Mapping study -- to understand how we "navigate" through interfaces in dependence upon mental models
Usability Testing -- to learn how to evaluate users' experience of interfaces, and to identify the differences between them
User-Centered Design -- to take everything learned to date in class and apply the dSchool framework, including observation, interviewing, prototyping and testing, to create actual user-responsive solutions for non-profit community organizations
Reading Responses and Exams -- to gain fluency with the following key concepts, people, and firms in HCI/d:
User Interface (UI), User Experience (UXD), Project Life Cycle, Iteration,
Reflective, “Computer Administrative Debris,” Principles of Good Design,
Edward Tufte, Dieter Rams, Sir Jony Ive
Information Architecture, Aesthetics, Hierarchy, Icon, Symbol,
Typography, Fonts (Serif and Sans Serif), Logotypes, Four principles of page
layout, Massimo Vignelli
Ergonomics, Affordances, Constraints, Don Norman, Smart Design
Visceral, The Three “Levels” of Emotional Design
Behavioral, Flow, Ambient Music and Video, Soft Design, Brian Eno
Metaphor, Goal, Mapping, Metaphors, Fallibility
Task Modeling, Expectations, Trust
Usability Testing, A-B Testing, Tools for UXD, Usability testing, Steve Krug
Final topics
Usability, Responsive Design, Ethnography, Wireframes, Fun design,
User-Centered Design (UCD), User Journeys, Narrative
User-Research, Stanford dSchool, dMindsets, the Five Modes of a User-
Centered Design Process, IDEO, David Kelley, Bill Moggeridge
Empathy, Define, Interview with Empathy
Personas, Scenarios, Responsive Design
Rapid Prototyping, Semantic Design
Design thinking, Sustainability, Tim Brown
Design Journals and Sketchnoting
Most significantly -- I think everyone has developed the ability to engage in "design thinking" -- to plan strategically and to work effectively and collaboratively on large, complex tasks-- as in the "real world" -- and to present your results clearly and visually.
Discuss Reflections
Design Journal check off with Mentors -- I will review any from Tori's group
Homework for Tuesday, 5 May at 10:15 am:
Prepare for Final Exam
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